SPF Invests in Cable & Wireless | PRESS RELEASE

Seychelles Pension Fund is buying into the country’s largest telecommunications company as part of a strategy to diversify its investment portfolio. The investment is for a consideration payment of          $24m for 20% share ownership in Cable and Wireless of Seychelles (CWS). In pursuance to that, SPF is inviting all Medias to attend a press conference…

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Seychelles Pension Fund – Team building Activity

Seychelles Pension Fund organized its annual ‘Team Building Activity’ on Saturday 9th November 2019 at the Berjaya Beau-Vallon Bay Hotel. Since 2017 SPF has embarked on this full day activity and this year’s theme was about promoting SPF’s “Values”. All activities of the day were centered on this theme, to further create a great working…

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Seychelles Pension Fund announces 2020 Pension Indexation

As is customary every year, Seychelles Pension Fund, in accordance with Regulation 36 of the Seychelles Pension Fund (Benefit Regulations), as amended in 2013, reviews monthly pensions being paid out for indexation purposes, if applicable. Effective January 2020, the majority of pensions have been increased by 2.11%. This is to cushion members’ pension from inflation,…

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