96 out 130 SPF employees, almost 75% being women, illustrates to near perfection the invaluable role that woman plays in today’s society. With the incoming new CEO Miss Nisreen Abdulmajid, who was preceded by Mrs Nair, SPF has been growing from strength to strength with active involvements of woman in our midst. No less than 6 Sections being run by woman further puts emphasis on the active role woman are playing in the preparation of our esteemed members retirement.
As we celebrate the International Woman’s Day, all staff members at SPF would like to recognize through this mini article the active role that woman have been and is still playing across our society. Please read more to review comments and aspirations made by some female staff members on the occasion.

Mrs. Jane Suzette / Head of Benefits
“ Women, let’s help one another to be able to overcome any challenges, as a team we will succeed.
Happy women’s day. ”

Mrs. Lyne Bonte/Head of Human Resource & Administration
“ I believe us women should always support and empower each other so that we may grow together especially in this difficult time.”

Ms. Mandy Songor/Processing Manager
“Women are strong in nature and there is nothing that we cannot achieve in life when we put our minds to it. I would like to encourage all women not to give up on their dreams.”

Marie-Andre Louis, Chief Cashier/ Jenette Monthy, Cashier
“Lavi I parey laroul, I monte desann. Bann madanm kanmenm nou tonbe nou pa zanmen reste ater. Nou war nou toultan pe releve. Pa dekouraze Bondye I avek nou.”

Sabrina Pointe/ Benefit Officer
Ms. Pointe had a special message for the medical staff…..
“I pray the Lord will give you courage needed to continue doing the good work you are doing until we get back to normal. We recognize your hard work and devotion.”

Antoinette Laurence/Benefit Assistant
“Pran kouraz bann madanm e reste for dan sa moman difisil. Bondye pa pour les nou dan sa sitiasyon. Pran sa moman pour reflesir lo nou fason viv.”